1 For Investment Incentives
2 For Corporate Taxes
3 For Availability of skilled Labour
4 For Attitudes to Globalisation
Over 1,000 international companies have operations in Ireland. These
companies are involved in a wide range of activities and sectors
including technology, pharmaceuticals, biosciences, financial services
and manufacturing.
The attraction of Ireland as an investment location can be attributed to
the positive approach of successive Irish Governments to the promotion
of inward investment, its membership of the European Union (EU), a very
favourable corporate tax regime and a skilled and flexible labour pool.
Ireland is
• 1st in the world for the availability of skilled labour
• 1st for flexibility and adaptability of workforce
• 1st for investment incentives
• 1st for attitudes towards globalisation
• 2nd for business legislation for foreign investors
• 2nd for large corporations that are efficient by international standards
• 2rd for adaptability of companies
• 4th for corporate taxes
• 4th for exports of commercial services
• Source: IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2012
Ireland is attractive because :
• Pro-Business Environment
• Favourable tax regime
• Flexible business and company law framework
• Common law jurisdiction
• English speaking
• Member state of the EU and within the Euro zone
• Readily available physical and people infrastructure
• Highly developed regulatory and economic infrastructure